Tuesday 22 March 2011

30 days of gaming etc.

Day 11 - Gaming system of choice:
This has to go to the xbox 360, it is far and away the best console ever made which pains me greatly because microsoft are so fucking annoying in other areas of their brand. The attitude towards third parties is what makes this console great. Whilst nintendo has this inane obsession with only really pushing the identical dross they excrete every two years or so the xbox encouraged a stronger gaming industry by ensuring that small developers could get onto the international circuit.
Xbox Live Arcade is an example of how inclusive communities lead to more games, better games and cheaper games. The PC was the best equipped to do this first but the xbox is the best console for experiencing games which might not have had international playtime if it weren't for XBLA. Plus my computers all suck too hard for me to a PC gamer.

Day 12 - A game everyone should play.
The Lego movie game franchise.
It really doesn't matter which one you choose because they are all basically the same, but they are the perfect universal game. These are really the only games from a movie I play, (excepting viva pinata.) These are the games my kids will grow up on. These are the games all my siblings could all on some level appreciate. They are simple colourful and the cut-scenes are genius. At their heart they are fantastic action puzzle games which require replays to get the best of the content. They are great value for money and if someone is looking a game for their kids they cannot go wrong with this.

Day 13 - A game you’ve played more than five times:
I play all my games more than five times. Unless you mean to completion. In which case, none of my games. What a stupid question.

Day 14 - Current (or most recent) gaming wallpaper;
I have never had a gaming wallpaper, my wallpapers are always cats.

Day 15 - Post a screenshot from the game you’re playing right now.
Red Dead Redemption, Undead Nightmare.
Zombies have invaded the wild west and it's up to John Marston to figure out how to stop the hoard, and save his family. This shot is the first of the four horses of the apocalypse unlockable in the game: WAR. He rocks, and can set fire to zombies with his firey hooves. -.-

Day 16 - Game with the best cut scenes
Final Fantasy IX.
I know these games are not good. But this was the first game I ever asked for for christmas, it was the most sumptuous and beautiful opening sequence and I absolutely adored watching the cut scenes. I was a teenage girl at the time. My favourite was by far the sequence where the ship takes off and the queen fires huge hooks it in the hope of preventing the kidnapping. Action and sexy sexy looking scenery. I don't care that it was a boring grindy game because the sensation of falling in love with those flat 2D characters is still very ingrained.

Day 17 - Favourite antagonist:

I love a good villain. Portal's GlaDos is nicely rounded and a really interesting character. She sent chills down my spine in the trailer for the new game. Most villains are just annoyances with very little development other than wanting to fuck up your life. I think the scariest bad guy; though not necessarily an antagonist, was the spider in Limbo. Jesus christ that thing was fucking awful.